How should toe nails be cut?

One of the most common questions asked in clinic is how should l trim my nails?

Here are some tips to remember which may prevent ingrown toe nails and damage to toe nails. Before cutting your nails, make sure you have your personal nail clippers to prevent cross infection of fungal nails and other disease. Wash your toes nails with water to clear off any dirt or debris under the nail. Do not over clean under the nail since this may lead to damage to the nail bed.

1) Do not try to cut your toe nails all in one go. Cut the nails 2 millimeters from the free edge of nail. This may take 3-4 cuts to trim the big toe nails and 2-3 for the little toe nails.

2) To emphasis point 1, leave 1-2 millimeters of white edge nail, this will help prevent cutting too close to the nail bed.

3) The nails should then be filed in one direction in a downwards motion. Do not saw the file back and forth since the nail may slip from the nail bed.  Do not overly round the corners of nails. Only file down 3-4 times per nail until the free edge is nice and smooth.

4) Do not touch your cuticles, leave them alone! Cuticles are the skins natural barrier to prevent infection.

5) Get in a habit of cutting the nail every month so the nails will not grow too long and out of control.

Get in touch with one of our podiatrists from Sydney or Melbourne Foot-Solutions Clinic . We can help with nails from all shapes and sizes and manage other nail conditions such has thin, thick, ingrown nails, or surrounding skin infections.

Written by Podiatrist Richard Ching

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