Choosing the Best Shoes for your Kids!

Fun Fact!

A child will grow approximately 17 shoes sizes until they are the age of 18 years old!

Ill fitted shoes can lead to ingrown toe nails, heel pain, corns, callus and bunions, which may need further treatment later in life. Investment in the right pair of school shoes will save you money in the long run.

Here are some tips for fitting schools shoes:

  • Ensure you choose shoes with the correct length and width to allow for toe movement. Narrow shoes may lead to toe clawing and bunions, and shoes that are far too big may lead to dragging of the outer sole, increased wear marks and trips and falls. The toes should be able to wiggle and not bulge.
  • Think about the weight of the shoes. Heavy shoes may make your children’s feet more tired after a long day at school.
  • A firm heel counter, which does not collapse when pushed against with your thumb. A firm heel counter assists with ankle stability, it is also strongly advised that your children untie their laces, strap or buckle before slipping on the school to prevent damage to the heel counter.
  • Flexibility over the ball of the foot (forefoot) but stable mid-sole allow your child’s toe to bend when walking, jumping and running.
  • A removable insole if your child needs orthotics. It is important to bring their orthotics during shoe fittings to see if there is enough space in the shoes.
  • Heel height should be leveled from heel to toe to prevent soft tissue restriction of the legs.
  • Shoe Shank is usually fibre-glass, nylon, or steel to improve foot stability. This feature is not visible since it is inside the mid/rear sole.

Keep an eye out for other things when inspecting your child’s feet; here is a check list below. It might be beneficial to see a podiatrist if you have any concerns or questions about your child’s foot development.


  • Pain in the feet, legs, knees and hips
  • In toeing and out toeing
  • Regular trips and falls
  • Skin and nail irritations
  • Irregular wear of shoes between left and right outer sole




“The content of this information is provided for general information purposes only. Foot Solutions does not accept any liability to any person for the information or advice (or the use of such information or advice), which is provided or incorporated into it by reference. The information is provided on the basis, that all persons using such information take responsibility for the relevance of its content. This information should be used in conjunction with medical professional advice or treatment.”

Derrick Wong