Do you know your ABCDEs?

As summer is here, being skin wise is a must to protect against any possible changes from sun exposure. Moles and brown/blacks spots are usually harmless but NOT ALWAYS! Melanomas are caused due to damage to skin cells from sun radiation. Sometimes melanomas can form without any exposure to the sun. Self examinations of your skin from head to toe for any changes monthly may assist to identify potential skin cancers early!

A B C D E is a really easy way in identify possible Melanoma Skin lesion.

A (Asymmetry)- If a mole is irregular in shape, the mole is a possible warning sign for melanoma.

B (Borders)- If the borders of the moles is not smooth and  for example irregular in shape, notched, scalloped or poorly defined. These are possible signs of melanoma.

C(Colour)- If there mole has more than 1 colour for example being tan, black, brown, blue, red, orange. Theses are a warning sign for melanomas.

D(Diameter)-  Melanomas are usually greater than 6 millimeters or 1/4 of an inch in length.

E(Evolving)- Any changes such as is there pain, bleeding, pus, itchy, shape, elevation, colour, and growth are important signs when identifying skin lesions.

Podiatrists at Foot Solutions Podiatry Clinic may assist in detecting skin conditions and referring on the appropriate specialists for further diagnosis. Do not forget to slip slop slap seek and slide!

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Derrick Wong